Ummm. Yeah. I guess maybe it’s because I lack “artistic skill” in evaluating performances, but I really have no idea what to think of it. So it started out with 3 dancers evenly spaced out across the Morrow Plots, and they slowly walk a third of the way down (seemingly at their own speed). Then they fall on the ground and lie there, moving their hands or what not every once in a while. Afterwards, they get up and go into the second third of the field (which happened to have some crops starting to grow in it). The three dancers aren’t dancing together, each one is sort of just doing their own thing. The one closest to us eventually progresses past the second stage and ends up frolicking with this red banner thing to the last third of the field, etc. The performance ends with all three dancers standing up, one in each third of the field. The beginning, middle and end.

So what does this mean? I’m not sure, since I didn’t pick up a program. However, the dance sort of reminded me of the growth of the corn? They are first walking slowly and then fall to the ground and stay there (like a seed traveling and then finding a place to land). Then they slowly move on and start rolling on the ground and playing with these banner things (which might symbolize growth?). And the last one where the dancer was almost playing in the field couple represent fall harvest time? I don’t know. It was all a pretty big stretch for me.

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