So the day was rather nice, a little chilly – I rode my bike rather fast – but the sun finally came out. The performance itself was interesting; it was split into 2 parts. The first part involved dancers playing out various roles like a tree elf, jealous snake, dreaming ballerina, etc. They basically did that for about 15 minutes. They danced around (or rolled around) in their own little world, not doing a whole lot except maybe “expressing themselves” in some way I couldn’t really comprehend. There were these little music boxes you could pick up and play at each site where a performer was, but I didn’t really see an affect when someone played it. Anyways, I kinda got bored after a few minutes and sat down to watch the dreaming ballerina, who was actually doing something somewhat interesting. It had a whole string of ballerina shoes tied up together, which ended up in a huge bundle and she was trying to untangle it. Eventually, she got them all untangled and then laid back down. After a while, I guess something happened (not sure what) because everyone got up and walked towards the tree and then ran to the far end of the building.

We went around the building the other way and waited for a significant amount of time, by which I got somewhat bored and wandered back around. I missed a bit of what happened next because of that but A ballerina came out, and then other people came out danced a bit and did a bunch of other stuff I’m not entirely sure for what reason. So what did I get out of the performance? Aside from the fact that in the second part, the happy lovers finally kissed each other, each dancer was still rather separate from each other. They danced somewhat together, but still had a uniqueness from each other. I guess the whole point of the performance was to picture the illusion of an afternoon through various elements found in the courtyard. But I couldn’t really see that without the explanation, which in my opinion, kind of defeats the purpose. If you need to explain to someone what is going on for them to understand it, it kind of ruins the experience. Oh well.

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