Nerds Make the Best Friend

November 1, 2008

Nerds; awkward, geeky, and shunned from popular social circles. People lacking social skills would seem to not make good friends. And yet this is what I believe, nerds make the best friends possible.
As a nerd growing up, being made fun of by the other school children was commonplace. Balked by the popular kids, I learned how to make friends with the other outcasts, appreciating what bonds we had together and relishing our time together. As I have grown up, I’ve come to realize how this deficiency in social acceptance has ironically transformed me to be the best kind of friend anyone would wish for.
For one, nerds are extremely loyal. “Those who have few know how to enjoy more,” or so the saying goes. And nerds with few friends learn to appreciate them more. I may not be the most popular person, have the most Facebook friends, or be the big man on campus, but I have it where it counts: I stick with my friends through thick and thin.
Secondly, nerds are very interesting people. I have, over the years, collected a random assortment of useless trivia that would never make a conversation dull. As I have nothing better to do with my time, I scour the internet learning about anything just to keep my mind busy. Did you know the average person laughs about 15 times a day?
Thirdly, nerds are resourceful people that can help you when you’re in a jam. As the world has become more technologically centered, having a nerd around is useful. Like all nerds, I have an innate sense to fix all things electrical and most other engineering-like problems. My vast amount of time spent learning about things online allows me to transfer the knowledge into real life uses.
Lastly, nerds tend to make a lot of money. As a nerd, I have a strong desire to excel at what I’m good at, which is usually engineering related. As a result, the job outlook in my life is pretty good. I won’t have to worry about my paycheck or struggle to make ends meet. Besides spending it on myself, who would I share my wealth with except with my friends; who doesn’t like getting cool gifts on Christmas or Birthdays?
Nerds make the best friends. Not because I know what to say at a party, not be awkward at a party, or can make you popular by association, but because I know how to care of my friends as who they are; my friends.

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