In-class writing October 13

October 13, 2008

How does it feel now that you’ve started to edit your raw footage? How is editing different from shooting? How are the two stages relating to and informing one another in your project?

It’s much different when you are editing the footage instead of filming. While you can have a great scene, innovative idea, or whatever, if it’s not captured and translated onto the film, it doesn’t matter. The raw footage is all that you have, you can’t make it show something that isn’t there. While I have been going back and getting more footage, it was more so because of poor foresight and not enough attention to what I needed to film for the project. The two stages are very much related in this way; you have to shoot to get the footage, and you edit the footage to capture what you originally intended to shoot. It may not always work as I planned, especially if the interview brings up topics that I’m not expecting, but as long as the project as a whole remains true to your goal (which may change), it’s alright.

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