In Class Writing 9/17/2008

September 17, 2008

What were some of my rituals while working on the Noun, Verb, Adjective project?

The process of my noun, verb, adjective project was eclectic for most of them time. I mainly collected footage of random things without giving much thought for the assignment as a whole. If I saw something that I liked, I would film it. Despite this however, I managed to come up with several decent videos that had a connecting theme. Looking back, I definitely would have spent more time thinking about my sentence rather than just shooting footage randomly.

What phases did the work go through in your mind and in the process of making?

I guess there was only 2 main phases that I went through. The first was just digesting my footage in my mind, trying to see similarities in various clips. The second was then choosing one of those motifs and playing around with the clips in a way that would reveal it to the viewer.

Did it change from initial inspiration to finished product?

I don’t really think so. But since I never really had a concrete idea in the beginning, it’s very hard to compare it. I know that if I knew what my finished product would look like before I started working on it, I would have been surprised with the finished result. I guess I wouldn’t have expected it to turn out the way they did.

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