ART 250 – I Walk Into A White Room

September 2, 2008

1. What do you do to procrastinate on tasks?
As an engineering student, procrastination spells out doom for us. If we don’t stay on top of our reading assignments, homework, and lectures, we end up screwed. Yet we do it anyways. It’s so easy to find some way to procrastinate; especially when you’re about to start doing homework. Anything and everything becomes instantly more interesting; random tech blogs, facebook, even griping about how hard the homework is (which has yet to be started).

2. What are your daily routines?
As far as daily routines go, I don’t really have any. Since I got to college, it has generally revolved around my class schedule. While that does have some regimen in it, the constant change from semester to semester has left a rather eclectic daily routine. Aside from proper hygiene, nothing else is constant; even meal times vary from day to day. While I believe having consistency is an excellent way to develop good habits, it is something very hard to accomplish in a college setting.

3. Who do you perceive to have “touch of god” talent and why?
In my opinion, “touch of God” talent isn’t real. Everyone is blessed with gifts and talents from when they were born, some are just more outwardly impressive than others. We are easily impressed with those who excel in popular “skills” such as sports, education, and the arts, but there are many people who fail at those skills who are very adept at other, less remarkable talents. Although they may not gain public acclaim for their skill, they nevertheless are exceedingly better than the average person at those things.

One Response to “ART 250 – I Walk Into A White Room”

  1. I really thought your responses were interesting especially your opinion on who had “touch of god” talent.

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