What is literacy?

August 31, 2008

What is literacy? My definition of literacy would be the ability to record and communicate through physical and or visual means.

Analysis of my questions:

I guess one thing that stands out predominantly with my questions is that most of them are fairly deep. A significant number of them deal with God, which I expected as I am Christian. I guess another “theme” is many of the questions deal with the current state of the world around us, either involving foreign policy, or my life directly.

  1. Obama or McCain?
  2. Does it matter if China cheated in women’s gymnastics?
  3. What’s your favorite color?
  4. Is there a connection between God and Evolution?
  5. What is relevant young adults now compared to young adults 50 years ago?
  6. Paper or plastic?
  7. Should everyone become vegan?
  8. What’s the most dangerous job?
  9. Money or happiness/fulfillment?
  10. Is faith real?
  11. Why do people like free things?
  12. Are renewable energy sources better?
  13. Is there global warming?
  14. Why are guys “better” at math?
  15. Was the Chief racist?
  16. What should our next mascot be?
  17. What is America’s most popular sport?
  18. Are radios outdated?
  19. What would you do if you had to live with no internet?
  20. Where is the most ideal place to live?
  21. What is the hardest major on campus?
  22. Are Harry Potter books really promoting witchcraft?
  23. Why is Christianity so unpopular in our culture?
  24. Are relationships worth it?
  25. Who are stranger, men or women?
  26. What was the best invention in the last decade?
  27. Are all religions equal?
  28. How do we determine how “cute” things are?
  29. Why are questions so hard to think of?
  30. Why am I taking ART 250
  31. What is the hardest major on campus?
  32. What are the chances someone will steal my bike by December?
  33. Why is my roommate asleep?
  34. Why am I awake?
  35. Is Michael Phelps real (no ‘roids)?
  36. How was the Bible written in such a cohesive manner throughout multiple authors and many generations?
  37. How amazing is Google?
  38. What is the next big invention?
  39. Will we have flying cars one day?
  40. Why do so few people care about religion?
  41. How can we help save the earth?
  42. Are dinosaurs real?
  43. Why am I so tired?
  44. I wonder if anyone has dropped this class so Dave can take it? (was it Dave??)
  45. How long can humans function without sleep?
  46. Is coffee good for you?
  47. Is decaf a waste of a drink?
  48. When was decaf invented?
  49. How far can a frisbee be thrown?
  50. Who makes the best frisbee?
  51. How do the ducks find their way back to the ISR courtyard?
  52. Will Russia ever become a superpower again?
  53. Is it patriotic to be unpatriotic?
  54. Why are movies so entertaining?
  55. What’s your favorite movie?
  56. Why are there so few movies that star Asian actors (besides in “kung fu” movies)?
  57. Are Catholics Christians?
  58. Does God care about “denominations?
  59. Is there a God?
  60. Why am I here?
  61. Why did they take my tackboard & mirror away in my dorm room?
  62. Is nuclear power bad?
  63. Do zombies exist?
  64. How do you survive a zombie infestation?
  65. What is with Hollywoods fascination with zombies?
  66. Why can’t I think of any questions?
  67. How much does God love me?
  68. Is there an end to this?
  69. Am I thinking too slow?
  70. What makes a movie/book great?
  71. Are sagging computer game sales due to the quality of the game or due to the number of people who play pirated games?
  72. Are Ivy league schools worth the money?
  73. Why does Illinois provide very little funding for school districts?
  74. Are tiered taxes fair?
  75. Why do people love money?
  76. Why do people like free stuff?
  77. What are some characteristics of God?
  78. Is God stubborn?
  79. Is the church following Christ?
  80. What do evangelicals stand for?
  81. Why do some people fidget by shaking their leg?
  82. Is U of I a good school?
  83. Why are people drawn to drinking?
  84. Is the drinking age too high?
  85. Why is dorm food so unhealthy?
  86. Why are there so many questions?
  87. What is wrong with faith/religion in schools?
  88. Can we teach evolution alongside creation theory?
  89. Is “common sense” always right?
  90. What killed the dinosaurs?
  91. Why doesn’t God prove His existence?
  92. What is the American dream?
  93. Why is killing off species so bad?
  94. Do pandas deserve to live?
  95. Why do we care move about things that are cute?
  96. What is the cutest animal?
  97. How much social life is too much?
  98. Why does God seem so far away at times?
  99. Are pets good when raising children?
  100. Where do we draw the line between protection and encroachment on laws and personal freedom?